Red orchestra 2 rising storm give away
Red orchestra 2 rising storm give away

red orchestra 2 rising storm give away
  1. #Red orchestra 2 rising storm give away how to
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Always search for higher ground which will give you greater field of view. If you post by a window or in a bunker, it’s better if you stay deeper inside, in the shadows, so you are not as exposed, and your gun doesn’t stick out, even better if you stay on the sides, you have cover and you are playing the angle, which will probably catch your enemy unprepared, and it doesn’t matter that you don’t cover as much of an area. Use everything you can find for a better hiding spot, vehicles, bushes, trees, trunks, cracks/holes on fences, walls, sandbags or blocked windows, lay on terrain dips or under vehicles, darks spots in you can blend in well works great too. If you are about to post somewhere, ideally you want to be visible as least as possible. If you see a high level player (80+) not advancing any further, that probably means it is not safe to do so. If you are not concentrated on scanning for enemies, take a moment to look on the map, where your team is stacked, which point is being attacked, which flanks are poorly covered, listen for the shooting which is going on around, that way you can make a plan of where to move next.

red orchestra 2 rising storm give away

The quickest way to refill your stamina is to prone.

red orchestra 2 rising storm give away

Speaking of, don’t forget to keep an eye on it, with low stamina you won’t be able to quickly move/escape, jump, or shoot straight, because of the bigger weapon sway. Jump over trenches, you will lose a bit of stamina, but it’s quicker than falling in & vaulting over. Most high level players prefer to run crouched, and if there’s some kind of cover on your way, that’s a necessity, otherwise, if you choose speed, then sprint normally, it actually drains less stamina. When you get more familiar with the maps you will know where the best route is to move, breaking the line of sight on your enemies. If the distance you have to cover is long, or dangerous, use crouch - uncrouch, let go the sprint button for a second, run zig-zagging, using any of this will confuse and make your enemy miss shots. It’s common sense, but I have to say it, try to move through the safest route possible, that means short sprints, from cover to cover (preferably hard cover).

#Red orchestra 2 rising storm give away full

You can have all the time you want, until you feel ready to join a full server. If you are still new to the game, there’s a great way to learn the maps, using Steam Workshop in-game, with or without bots, or you can just fly around in spectator mode. Getting used to the guns and shooting mechanics is the easy part, but you will progressively get better with the time, knowing on each map when and where to push, flank or dug in, and where the good spots and angles are. The good thing is RO 2 is not that skill based, the bad thing is map knowledge is crucial.

red orchestra 2 rising storm give away

As someone once said - when you get better (at the game) you still die a lot, but you make sure the other side dies a lot too. The level of realism, and the attention to detail, which the devs put, is great, but we all know starting up is not that easy, and it’s probably frustrating for the new players, not knowing what’s going on around, and nothing’s going your way, so don’t give up on it yet. RO 2 might be an old game now, but still holds up well, and I hope it continue to do so, for a long time to come. I see too many rookie mistakes and misconceptions on the battlefield.

#Red orchestra 2 rising storm give away how to

This guide is for you, searching for tips of how to improve and do better.

Red orchestra 2 rising storm give away